
girls Who Code
Girls Who Code (GWC) is a national non-profit organization dedicated to closing the gender gap in technology. They provide thousands of clubs for 6-12th grade students where girls can explore coding in a fun and friendly environment.
In 2016, AWC started a Girls Who Code Club at Penn State! Middle school and high school students get to hear from AWC members about why they are passionate about tech. The goal of the club is to inspire the next generation of female coders while also providing AWC members with the opportunity to teach and mentor.
Check out the Penn State Girls Who Code website! Please reach out to our AWC Girls Who Code Director for any questions !(psu.awc.girlswhocode@gmail.com)
Community Outreach
AWC also takes part in community outreach through Exploration-U, Girl Scouts, and more!
We are always looking for more opportunities to pay it forward. Please contact the AWC Outreach Director (psu.awc.outreach@gmail.com) if you are interested in having our members to speak or volunteer at your event!
sponsor Girls Who Code
Contact us if you are interested or want more information!